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How to Ignore Distractions When Working from Home

You’re working from home, but your children need you, the dog is barking, and the front door needs to be unlocked for the delivery guy. Meanwhile, your work to-do list for the day is becoming longer and longer.

While there are numerous perks to working from home, one of the biggest problems most people face is distractions. Fortunately, with focus and a plan in place, you can overcome those distractions. These tips will help.

Maintain Your Normal Work Routine

It may be tempting to sleep in or do a little cleaning before starting your work day, but doing so may make it more difficult for you to transition into work mode. Instead of succumbing to these distractions, begin your workday at the same time you would if you were heading to the office. Maintaining a familiar schedule can help you stay focused during your work day.

Tell Friends and Family Not to Disturb You

If you live with other people, whether they are relatives or roommates, you need to let them know not to disturb you during work hours. Make sure to inform the people you live with when you will be available again.

Get Into Work Clothes

You don’t need to don pants or formal business attire, but you’ve got to change out of your jammies. Put on something comfortable but not what you’d wear to bed. This little change can help you transition from relaxation mode to work mode. If you continue to get distracted, consider putting on your complete work attire. You may not be as relaxed, but it’s another mental cue that it’s time to get to work. Plus, when you change out of your work clothes at the end of the day, your pajamas will feel especially luxurious.

Prepare Your Meals in Advance

Meals can become unintentional distractions. It takes time to decide what you want to eat and even more time to prepare it. You won’t waste your work hours if you prepare everything ahead of time, including refreshments. Also, keep a few snacks on hand so you can just grab them and go about your day.

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